

As the nervous parent of a high-performing student navigating the very competitive college admission landscape for the first time, I had spent thousands of dollars and faced great frustration before finally connecting with Yvette and Y College Concierge.  Whereas others had up-sold collateral services in a mill-like production, Yvette consistently combined genuine interest in matching my child’s unique strengths and interests to a college that suited him.  She provided practical, tactical advice and not only answered, but anticipated, the things we needed to know. Yvette guided us through every step in the process from college selection, essay writing, best packaging activities and experiences, financial and merit aid, and finally processing the rejections and celebrating the acceptances to select the perfect fit. Yvette combines core competence with compassion - a unique and much appreciated blend of professionalism with genuine humanity – I could not recommend her more highly.

- Ann Marie Mortimer (Daughter, Class of 2024)


We could not have done this without Yvette!

From navigating Naviance to filling out the Common App, to guiding us in our selection of schools that were appropriate and desirable for our son, to what to pack for college. Not only did Yvette work with our son to select schools that were not on our radar but she helped him find schools that he is excited about. Yvette is exuberant about this process and helping students and families. This process was unlike anything we had ever endured and she made a stressful situation bearable and at times, fun! The one thing that I cannot stress enough is that Yvette will help you to understand the financial ramifications of the application process as well as what to expect when paying for college and how to plan for what is affordable and appropriate for your family. So far, we have heard from 6 schools, 4 of which are offering scholarships in the $20k range which was totally unexpected. Absolute Godsend!

- Les MacEwan (Son, Class of 2022)

At the beginning of this college journey back in December 2019, I had no clue how to get started on the Common App or what colleges I should even apply to. I had never talked to my parents, specifically my mom, about where I could see myself after high school. You have truly been such a great mentor to me, not only for how to get into these colleges but also for how to share my story. You watched me shout with joy when I got accepted into almost all the colleges I applied to. You have also seen me at my lowest when I felt like I couldn’t make the ‘right’ decision for the next four years. You are so positive and down to earth, but you also gave constructive criticism and brought me back to reality throughout the process.

- Sofie (Class of 2022)

“Yvette helped us navigate the complicated academic and athletic recruiting process for our daughter. Her insight into college size, personality, location, and existing costs was incredible. These were issues we never considered. She continues to help guide us with high school course choices and rounding out my daughter’s future college resume.”

- Thomas Wentzel (Daughter, Class of 2021)

“Mrs. Mallory helped me so much and appealing all of my financial aid offers and guiding me through the financial aid process. She helped me decide between my two colleges that I was choosing between and gave me very insightful and personalized advice. I loved working with her and would recommend her to all my friends and family!

- Allison Crudele (Washington University in St. Louis 2024)

“Navigating colleges and the college application process can be overwhelming to say the least. Yvette Mallory, College Concierge, took the headache out of the college application process. She was able to hone in the needs of my son and give advice on good fit colleges without impeding on my son's exploration. Yvette has a wealth of knowledge and is a research queen so the information that we garnered from her was in depth and very informative. The college application process can also stressful but Yvette's positive attitude and great sense of humor made it enjoyable for the entire family. I am happy to say that my son is now wrapping up his freshman year at UC Santa Cruz and is totally flourishing. I have four more years until son #2 starts looking at colleges and without a doubt I will be calling Yvette to be by our side throughout the process.”

- Susan Munro (Son, UCSC Class of 2022)

“I came to Mrs. Mallory after having met with an expensive recruiter that didn’t really help. She was able to help me in late December figure out where I should apply and match my budget and academic goals for college with my desire to play in the NCAA.”

- Madeline Cardenas (Class of 2019 - Attending The Citadel in Fall 2019)

“Yvette was extremely helpful in getting us started on the college admission process. We didn’t even know where to start. Yvette guided us with a patient, understandable, and logical approach to the initial college search process.  She possesses a vast knowledge of most colleges in the country, including the very small and private colleges, and she knows how their admission departments operate. She also explained the whole process in an simple, easy-to-understand manner that is not overwhelming. We look forward to continuing to work with her as we continue the college admission process. We are lucky to have found her. Thank you Yvette!”

- Mun Kim (Son, Class of 2020)

“Yvette made the whole process less scary and taught me to look at other schools I hadn’t even heard of before. This process has been such a hectic and stressful one but I know for certain that I wouldn’t have made it through it without her guidance.”

- Gabriella (High School Class of 2021)

“I worked with Yvette Mallory to help guide my son to figure out the best college path for him. Yvette worked closely with us to find some good options based on a variety of things:  college size, geography, best fit academically (and based on what he was interested in) and financially. She was an amazing guide and helped calm my anxiety as this is such an overwhelming process. She also helped us find an SAT/ACT tutor as well as someone to help guide my son through the application process. She has a Rolodex and we were well matched (it also did not cost us a fortune). In the end my son had several great options and ended up at the perfect school for him: Washington College in Maryland! I highly recommend Yvette's services!”

- Catherin Barry (Son, Class of 2018)

“When we became parents for the first time in our 50’s, Yvette at College Concierge was there to help us with every aspect of our teens education. In our case, she started to work with us on high schools and later college. She is currently working with my now adopted son, a sophomore at Mira Costa High School. Yvette not only helps those that are obviously college bound, she taught us how to navigate the foster care system as it applies to education, grants, scholarships and her knowledge of placing kids in college that have an IEP is invaluable. Yvette truly showed us that there is a college for everyone with the desire to attend. Her passion and expertise changed the course of our children’s lives.”

- Yvonne Bernard (Son, Class of 2021)

“Not only does Yvette have an abundance of insight and information, but she also has a lot of heart, and will really care about your kid. She thinks outside the box when necessary, and comes at her job from both a parent and student perspective, having gone through the process three times with her own kids. Most importantly, Yvette will help your child build the appropriate relationships with faculty members, students, coaches and/or admissions officers to give them the best chance of earning a spot at the school of their choice, or one very well suited to their needs and aspirations. I would recommend her highly to any family.”

- Lane Janger (Twins - Class of 2019 attending Syracuse University & NYU)